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Estate Newsletter - January 2023

It's been a whole year since the last newsletter! What a reflection of how last year was. Let me start by saying a very happy new year to you all and hope everyone had a very nice Christmas.

What a year it’s been, and I would like to thank all residents for your amazing support over a year that has been different to our many past years. We did take a break from live events while her Grace completed her PhD which I'm so proud of her for as it was a massive amount of work and a wonderful achievement.


We returned with a bang on live events with a wonderful program of SL's best singers and new sets and lights to ensure a fresh look for the new season! We did worry that due to the break the audiences would be smaller to start with but were delighted to see everyone flood back in to see live music once again at The Rose Theatre.

We also enjoyed our large, themed Halloween event, which had us for a full sim for most of the event. As always, the costumes were so impressive and the artists that her Grace had booked delivered so very fitting song choice for the theme of the event.

Estate up-grades

We upgraded the estate stables to provide a more realistic setting and provided residents horses with a connecting paddock so your horses could also walk and feed outside of the stables.

The Seaview Estate also got a new spa area installed within its lower level.

Finishing the year

And we ended with another successful Christmas market performances, which again had really nice attendance. I would also like to take the time to thank Baroness Kay Lethbridge who helped us secure the designers and content creators who took market stalls.

What is ahead for 2023!

I hope the coming year will bring a good number of estate and home updates! I really need to increase the buildings and homes I sell this year and in doing this it always means I'm making new mesh items which always end up leading to upgrades and improvements in your homes here at Angel Manor Estate.

We are about to send out some invites for new estate titles. These are our ways of thanking residents who have either supported the estate for a long time or by supporting the community, residents and visitors. As we have a number of new residents to the estate, we may send out the information about these titles again just so all are aware of what the titles are and what they mean. So, keep an eye out for group notices on this and some of you look out for private letters letting you know about a title we would like to award you with.


Uses of the firestorm viewer may have noticed a large improvement in frame rate which really makes it so much easier to record video's and I've long wanted to do a video that features many more of the residents and what they like to do here. I've tried to do this a few times over the last few years, but viewers have not been performing well enough to get the speeds and frames I like in videos, but with that now so much better I hope to be making many more videos. So I will be looking for anyone who may like to be part of this video.

For new residents who may not be aware of past video's you can see there here!

As always, we welcome your views and anything you would like to see here. So many of the facilities here are a result of a residents request so please do share your ideas as they are really welcomed!

Thank you for taking the time to read the update and we look forward to making your 2023 one of luxury and regal splendour.

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