A very warm hello to all residents of Angel Manor Estate and yes we're moving the new letter to the web site so the back log of newsletters is easier for people to find and it also provides more media rich enviroment for us to share other content.
For those new to the estate, we do estate newsletters every couples of months just to keep you informed about anything that is new or whats coming on the estate. It's a place we also share what our next focus is as we continue to improve the estate and make it the best possible home estate for you to enjoy. We always welcome new ideas for the estate or anything you wish to share in the way of feedback on the plans we may have. Most of the ideas we work on do come from resisdents as we really care and listen to what you want from the estate.
I hope this new format will also help keep the news short and to the point as the notecard format can turn into a lot of reading!
Summer is here!
We hope you've been able to start enjoying more summer based activities. We hope to plan some summer activities from summer garden and pool parties, taking advantage of the riding and walking trails, boat trips, shooting, tennis and golf.
The Rose Theatre is 14 years old.

We hope you shall be able to join us for two nights of live music with some of our best live performers for your enjoyment.

Wedding on the estate.

We were delighted to have the wedding of Baroness Kay Lethbridge and Baron Jack Lethbridge. It was a spendid wedding and it was wonderful to see such a good turn out. I'm sure you will join with us in wishing them a exciting future together. The Baroness has some wonderful pictures of the wedding here:
A special anniversary.

We were thrilled to celebrate the eighth wedding anniversary of Baron Raphael and Baroness Rose Treves this month. Rose and Raph were the first wedding we celebrated at Angel Manor Estate and it was a wonderful event with friends and family to wish the happy couple well.
Park sim updates complete
The Park Sim next to the golf course got two brand new homes in the place of the older buildings that had been there. The homes were snapped up right away and we welcomed two new families to the estate this month. As always, we're working our way around the estate making sure that your homes are the best they can be and make use of all the estates latest mesh items and tools we have on offer.
Coming Resident Events
Once the large music event has finished we shall be planning some events we can enjoy together!

The Mud Skippers
Time to put on the waterproofs and join us on a trip around the estate on land and water.

Dinner with their Graces
We plan to invite any residents who is able to join us for a grand dinner and a great chance to catch up on chat and share ideas for the future.

Flight out to the yacht
It would not be summer with out a helicopter trip out to our yacht for a party on deck!
DJ Events being added to our event offerings

Some of you may of found the new club venue we added to the estate! Its a place we can be less formal as its on its own parcel with privicy settings turned on. So we don't need to worry about the whole of the Rose hearing the music from the club. With this in mind it will let us do DJ events with out worrying about the music spoiling the atmosphere of the rest of the sim. The first Dj event is on Tuesday 25th May at 12noon with Dj Eria Ziemia and Lady Rose and Lord Raph will be hosting a second in June. These will be open to the whole Rose Theatre group and we would be very interested in hearing from Residents who would like to host these events - a way to be in touch with the wider Rose group as members of the Angel Manor Court!
Residents News and Ideas
I got a notecard from a resident who also had some nice things she asked me to add into the newsletter which I think is a great idea! If you have any things you would like us to share with the rest of the estate family please do send us a notecard to include in the next update.
From Lady Catriona
A site to make correctly drawn shields/coats of arms:
Phone system
Lady Catriona has the NorPhone text based RP phone system set up, and will demo for anyone interested. It is a commercial product, requiring a one-time purchase for each user wishing their own phone. If there was wider interest at Angel Manor, there is a way we can get our own area code in the directory:
Lady Catriona has space for a couple of sailing yachts or motor boats available at her docks, with access to the Blake Sea.
Please let us know what you think of the new format!
Many thanks
Kaya and Kezzy